On March 17, 2020, The Treasury Department announced that even though the filing deadline for individual, calendar year corporate and fiduciary returns is still April 15, 2020, it is extending the time to pay taxes that are due on April 15, 2020 until July 15, 2020. This extension is for payments due on April 15 for the 2019 tax year and for estimated income tax payments due on April 15 for the 2020 tax year. The maximum amount of tax that can be postponed is $1 million for individuals and fiduciaries and $10 million for corporations.
Tax Clients of theKFORDgroup,
No matter what the filing or payment deadlines, we are hard at work (at the office and remotely) preparing 2019 tax returns and projecting 2020 tax liabilities to ensure that you:
- know the amount of your tax obligations,
- know when the payments are required, and
- know that you can plan for them without surprises
In order to manage our team’s workflow and all our clients’ expectations of the most accurate and timely service possible, please continue sending information to us as you normally would. As a reminder, here are your options:
- Secure Portal – let us know if you need help with this
- Mail, UPS, FedEx
- Curbside Drop Off – just call the office to arrange it
- Drop off in the office – business hours 8:30-5:30 M-F
We hope this New Normal ends soon, and we can get back to our Old Normal of meeting with clients to go over what matters to you most in person. Until then, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of our team via phone or email. We are always here for you.
theKFORDgroup team is ready to assist you with your tax questions. Give us a call at (210)340-8351.